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Buy-side Advisory Services

Research of and approach of acquisition candidates and support of the transaction on behalf of the buyer / Approach of acquisition candidates identified by the buyer and support of the transaction on behalf of the buyer

We support middle-market and public companies in their inorganic growth strategies researching and approaching acquisition candidates and supporting the transaction process on behalf of the buyer.

The scope of our activities depends on existing resources to execute M&A transactions as well as research capacities and access to acquisition candidates.

We help defining the acquisition strategy and criteria and will identify acquisition candidates drawing on our understanding of the market and longstanding relationships with technology businesses.

We will approach acquisition candidates and propose a transaction with our client. Working closely with the buyer we will support the transaction process all the way helping negotiate transaction terms and preparing the due diligence.

Our network partners, including chartered accountants and/or partners with a technology background can be available to assist with due diligence, if necessary.

Deal sourcing for Private Equity Investors / Family Offices

We have established relationships to a large number of businesses in the ICT market and can support private equity investors and family offices approaching interesting businesses for acquisitions.


We support the initiation of conversations and the negotiation process.


Our network partners can assist in evaluating business models and technology issues.

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